This blog is a record of stuff that I’ve done that I’m proud of, as well as the mistakes I’ve made along the way, so that I don’t make them again (in theory). It is a refuge from social media because I don’t want to play the algorithm game. Maybe I’ll have a grinching corner where I write about how much I hate particular things. I could try that in haiku format.

But what is a Zimtkind? Well, it’s the shortest domain name I could find that’s kinda meaningless (helpful, since this will be a dumping ground of all kinds of projects), yet still means something to me. “Zimt” is “cinnamon” in German. I’m German. I love cinnamon. “Kind” means “child” in German. It also has a nice meaning in English, and there’s a SHINee song by the same name—a rare ballad that I like.

So maybe I’m a cinnamon kid or maybe I just like the way Zimtkind rolls off the tongue.